Meet our students
The best way to find out what it's really like at the
Health Management College is to hear directly from our students.
Health Management College students are passionate
about cultural competency, healthcare administration and business education.
Our students come for the academic diversity: business and health programs, all
taught by faculty who are not only experts in their fields, but lifelong
mentors who are interested in their students’ success.
Current students and graduates say they chose us
because they wanted more out of their college education.
1.0 Present Students and Alumni.
As a ICM
graduate at Health Management College, you number amongst over 1,000,000 individuals
around the globe from a variety of disciplines.
From commerce,
not for profit organization and government, the ICM has outstanding alumni
across all sectors, including the General Manager, Sethi Brothers, Ghana, Mr
Amandeep Singh Bhatia and ……..
ICM programme laid good foundations for my success. It is only through
undertaking the ICM programme that I received the knowledge to undertake my Master’s
degree and my job with confidence. Big thanks to ICM for my success. I will
always appreciate what ICM did in my life.” - Amandeep Singh
present students....
present students....
1.1 Testimonies from old students, including profiles.
DAVID YEVUGA, MABE. - (HR Manager at Twyford Ghana Ceramics Company Limited).
Mr Mabe completed ICM
graduate diploma (Bachelor Degree) in Management Studies and continued to
pursue Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the University Of Northampton
– UK. Connect
with Mr Mabe.
GERALD ACHEAMPONG - (EHS Practitioner / PhD Researcher)
Mr Acheampong did ICM Graduate Diploma - Management Studies with a Major in International Business and Marketing in 2006, and continued
to pursue Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Oil and Gas at Coventry
University – UK in 2012. Connect with Mr Acheampong.
Mr Yamoah pursed an ICM Diploma in Strategic
Management and Purchasing Law in 2012.
And did a top-up in BSc Procurement and Supply Chain Management at
University College of Management Studies. Connect with Mr. Yamoah.
1.2 More on ICM Alumni
- Visit LinkedIn to connect to the ICM Alumni.
- Visit ICM twitter account to connect with Alumni.
1.3 Why our student chose to study ICM: Advantage of ICM qualification
over university degree.
ICM quantification is recognised on the National
Qualification Framework (NQF) of UK. Having ICM qualification (graduate
diploma-4th level) is the same as having a first degree from a university. ICM
students are welcome in all industries around the world. ICM as a UK
qualification is recognised by the National Accreditation Board of Ghana.
National Accreditation Board of the Ministry of Education confirms that an ICM
Graduate Diploma is comparable in standard with a first (bachelors) degree
awarded by recognized tertiary institutions in Ghana.
Advanced Diploma level graduate (3rd level) are enrolled into the
Ghana National Service program? Graduate diploma-4th level can pursue Master’s
degree program at both public and private universities. However, Health & Safety Management are enrolled into Ghana National
Service program at the Diploma (2nd) level.
As professional duration, ICM Graduate Diploma level (Bachelor’s
degree level) can completed in less than 2 years depending on learners strength
and learning capacity. Completing a qualification equals to university first
degree gives you time and concentration,
providing you with a qualification which will enable them to progress to
higher level general management or specialized business programmes at a later
stage in their business or academic careers.
ICM as a British qualification is recognised globally and thus breaks
national barriers. Most countries qualification frameworks which can cause
problems for people who have a particular qualification from one country and
wish to use in another country. Speciality with some university programs. With
ICM, it is internationally recognised and breaks the barriers of such
qualification standards.
Professional programs have high academic standard when it comes to
assessment theoretically and practically. This ensures are well prepared to
make outstanding contribution in their field of endeavours. ICM qualification
prepares the students to be readily available for the job market. The training
in ICM programs inculcates professional and practical approaches to handle every
issues. This prepare them for supervisory and management careers in industry
and commerce
ICM courses can be taken while doing other programs because of its
flexibility in the course and examination structure. Final examination is
written four time every year to elimination the stress of waiting long time for
final examination and also gives opportunity to complete the program early
depending on your strength.
Subject Candidates
Registered ICM students who do not want to complete a full ICM
program may study individual subjects. Single Subject candidates receive a
Single Subject Diploma on successful completion of the relevant subject
examination. Single Subjects qualify, on a subject-for-subject basis, for
subject exemptions from ICM professional programs. See more.
1.4 Academic Progression: ICM Articulation
agreements with Universities
The Institute has formal
partnership arrangements with universities in Ghana, the UK and overseas. A
full list of progression routes from ICM qualifications into Undergraduate and
Post Graduate courses at UK Universities is available from our website.
Health Management College
students can receive a recognized British Qualification and benefit from the
academic progression routes developed by ICM.
Management College students can progress to ICM degree entry as follows:
• ICM Certificate Awards – enable the students to apply for entry
to the first year of a relevant degree programme.
• ICM Diploma Awards
– enable the students to apply for entry to the second year of a relevant
degree programme.
• ICM Advanced Diploma
Awards – enable the students to apply for direct entry into the final year
of a relevant degree programme.
• ICM Graduate Diploma Awards – enable the students to apply for
direct entry to postgraduate (e.g. Masters) degree programmes.
• ICM Postgraduate
Diploma Awards – enable the students to get Master’s Degree.
1.5 Our schools
Please download our pdf e-book.
1.6 Our E-book